Impactos na Sociedade

The Postgraduate Program in Law, recommended on January 5, 2017, is a historical development linked to the establishment of the undergraduate Law program on August 7, 1996. From the beginning, the plan included the creation of a stricto sensu Postgraduate Program in Law, which materialized through research and university extension actions focused on themes such as human rights, citizenship, the State, democracy, society, and public policies. In this regard, the Research Center for Human Rights and Citizenship (NUPEC) and the Research Center for State, Politics, and Law (NUPED) were created. These research groups historically formed and underpin the two research lines and the concentration area of the UNESC Master's Program in Law. The research line “Human Rights, Citizenship, and New Rights” is based on research conducted within NUPEC. The research line “Law, Society, and the State” is founded on research conducted within NUPED. Over the years, other groups have been created, contributing to the research that consolidated the path to the recommendation of PPGD/UNESC in its initial submission.

Impacto social

The program has been actively engaged in social inclusion and university extension, conducting various actions and projects, including the Leadership School and the Community and Social Leadership Course, which involved 100 participants from 11 Brazilian states and 52 municipalities. The program also carried out actions with NEGRA and the "OAB Goes to Schools" project in partnership with OAB/Criciúma-SC, benefiting 950 students from elementary and high schools. Between 2017 and 2020, the program organized over 140 events (seminars, workshops, courses, dialogues, colloquia, lectures, open classes, etc.), with more than 80 events in 2020 (held remotely due to the pandemic). These events had the participation of over 12,000 people from all Brazilian states, the Federal District, and various countries.

Impacto tecnológico

The program has consolidated its position with national scope and regional contribution due to the impact of its scientific production, social engagement, participation in research networks, partnerships, academic output, event organization, and the recognition of its faculty's activities. It contributes to the formation of highly qualified human resources committed to developing an interdisciplinary and critical approach to human rights. The program aims to transform legal thinking through an emancipatory, democratic, and participatory dialogue that incorporates the debate on the relationship between the State and society and public policies, especially social policies.

Impacto profissional

Producing knowledge in practice is also a way to engage with the institutionalized views of legal practitioners through their experiences with the goal of transforming them. The greater the integration of interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge and real practical experiences, the greater the potential contribution to a more humanistic, critical, less dogmatic, and socially committed profile concerning the country’s reality. The program has been consolidating nationally and with several international actions.

It has established partnerships with 18 national postgraduate programs and is involved in six national research networks:

a) Egrupe Network, involving Unesc, Unisc, and FMP/RS programs; b) Comum Network, involving Unesc, Unilassale, UCS programs, and researchers from Universidade Franciscana and Universidad de Sevilla; c) Recijur – Network of Research on Republicanism, Citizenship, and Jurisdiction, involving Unesc, UCS, UFSC, and Unochapecó programs; d) Brazilian Network of Legal Research on Human Rights (Unesc, Uniritter, Unijuí, Puc-Campinas, UFMS, UNICAP, UNIT, UFPA, Cesupa); e) Research Network on Law and Public Policies; f) NATIONAL NETWORK OF BLACK RESEARCHERS (CONEABS) and Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN).

Internationally, the program, through its researchers, participates in 4 international networks, one in development, and a CLACSO Working Group:

a) CLACSO Working Group; b) Conesul Network of Prison Research, involving UNESC, UCPEL, UFPEL, UDELAR (Uruguay), UNIV. DO LITORAL (Argentina), and UNIVERSIDAD DE ASUNCIÓN (Paraguay); c) International Network for Latin American Democratic Constitutionalism (RCDLA); d) REDidi (Ibero-American Network for Teaching and Research on Children’s Rights); e) Ibero-American Network of Health Law; f) Development of the Law and Development Network in collaboration with members from the following institutions: Universidade Agostinho Neto (Angola), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais de Cabo Verde, and Universidade de Macau (China).