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Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.


Concentration Area

Socio-economic development

Our socio-economic development conception is directly related to the set of human activities which are linked together in the local, regional and national context.  By combining and interacting with the different spheres of existence (economic, politic, social and cultural) the socio-economic development aims at promoting democracy and social justice extending horizons of opportunities in the search for full citizenship.  In this Graduate Program, this conception integrates different areas of knowledge, establishing interdisciplinary dialogues and dialogues with the society as well, aiming at producing and diffusing researches which can contribute to socio-economic development.  This set of purposes will be achieved by combining categories such as work, organizations, development and social management covered by the two lines of research.

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.