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Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.

Scholarships and financing

  The program has the following types of scholarships, financing and discounts:

a) Prosuc/Capes Scholarships – granted according to regulations and specific announcements, in two types:

  I – Students get a scholarship to do the Master course according to the criteria which are established in the specific announcement. They should not have any kind of income and must be entirely involved in research, publications and other activities concerning the Program. Students also receive, from Capes, a value (fee) which must be passed on to the university as monthly payment.

  II – Students receive, from Capes, a fee (value) to pay for the Master Course according to the criteria which are established in the specific announcement. They may have a job or income as long as it does not come from any other type of government scholarship and they must be partially involved in the program ( 20 hours).

b) Fapesc Scholarships - granted according to regulations and specific announcements, they allow the monthly payment and a scholarship for students, demanding full dedication;

c) Uniedu Scholarships - granted according to regulations and specific announcements from the Government of the State of Santa Catarina, they transfer values so that students are able to pay for their monthly fee;

d) Unesc students will get a 5% discount.

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.