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Unesc - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.


Herbarium Pe. Dr. Raulino Reitz (CRI)
Profª Drª Vanilde Citadini Zanette
Prof. Dr. Robson dos Santos
Prof. Dr. Rafael Martins

Interaction Animal-Plant Laboratory (LIAP)
Profª Drª Birgit Harter Marques

Landscape Ecology and Vertebrates Laboratory (LABECO)
Prof. Dr. Jairo José Zocche

Medicinal Plants Laboratory
Profª Drª Patrícia de Aguiar Amaral
Profª Drª Silvia Dal Bó

Society, Development and Environment Laboratory (LABSDMA)
Prof. Dr. Geraldo Milioli

Management Integrated Coastal Environments Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Carlyle Torres Bezerra de Menezes

Half Environment and Urban Development and Environmental Psychology Laboratory
Profª Dra. Teresinha Maria Gonçalves

Planning and Land Management Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Álvaro José Back
Prof. Dr. Nilzo Ivo Ladwig

Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.